Washington, DC

Realizing the Civil Rights Dream Events
October 8-13, 2017
Sunday, October 8, from 3-5 PM, Roberts Memorial United Methodist Church will host Grace and Race: Book Discussion with Ken Bedell. Register for this event at http://evite.me/y3Sr9mYXMY
Tuesday, October 10, from 1:30-2:30 PM Realizing the Civil Rights Dream Discussion, Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2103. Racism is on the national agenda. This will be an opportunity to spend an hour discussing whether the insights of sociology and social-psychology can help us develop an approach to racism that is proactive in developing strategies to actually create a post-racial America.
Wednesday, October 11, from 6:30-8 PM book talk at the Rumi Forum for Interfaith Dialogue and Intercultural Understanding, The book mostly focuses on skin color racism, but the ideology of white supremacy goes beyond skin color. This event will consider how the goal of full participation of all can connect us rather than drive us into competition. Full information is available at http://rumiforum.org/realizing-the-civil-rights-dream/
Thursday, October 12, Noon-1:30 pm Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University, 3307 M Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20007. More information at: https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/events/a-conversation-on-diagnosing-and-treating-american-racism.
Thursday, October 12, 6:30-9 PM Book Discussion, DC Sociological Society meeting at George Washington University, Phillips Hall, Room 411, 801 22nd St. NW, Washington, DC. This is an opportunity to discussion racism with sociologists from across the DC metro area.
Friday, October 13, 4:15-5:45 New Book Reception, Religion Research Association Annual Meeting, Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, DC 20008. This book signing event is open to the public.